Using Mailchimp as our email provider, we developed several successful campaigns that were sent out a few times a week based on our lists' engagement and historical metrics. On average, content emails equated to conversions at industry averages, while our open and CTRs were above average indicating an engaged email list. 

the ivory company


"Unique Gifts Beyond the Typical Bouquet!" Valentine's Day Email - Our faux floral-focused email campaign for Valentine's Day was our best performing campaign during February 2014. With above average open and CTRs, we adopted this as a transactional template for future campaigns with conversion success. 


"Five Star Style....At Home!"  Intro to our Portuguese linen product line Email - We learned a great deal from this particular campaign. As the designer, I was quite anxious for the results only to find that though consumers were very excited about this particular new product line (the email had a very long tail for clicks, lasting months), we believe many were overwhelmed by the price-points. Following campaign-generated traffic, many clicked through the site, spending more time on cheaper, similar products. The conversions from this email happened after some time had passed, with a decision to purchase being made 3 days to months after the campaign delivered. We considered this email a hybrid between offering content, and the capability to click through to purchase immediately. Our high open rate indicated that our consumer base is interested in luxury goods, though they need more time to think about buying items at a higher price point. 


"Why Soy Candles are Better" Intro to our Soy Candle line Email - This campaign is the first of our content-based email strategy, which highlights the qualities and benefit of product lines. We began incorporating these non-transactional campaigns into regular rotation, and found that they still lead to conversions, but on average had a higher CTR than our transactional campaigns. We attribute this to the consumer interest in knowing more indepth knowledge about the products. 


"Ready, Set....Entertain!" Super Bowl 2014 Email - Performed above industry (home & garden) average for open rate. Of the recepients who and clicked, ~10% converted into a sale. This email in particular, presents an event that we did not antcipate a high conversation rate as our demographic is primarily middle aged women, though out performed many previous emails. This email also had a conversion life much longer than normal, making its last sale on 10/12/14. 
