At KEH Camera, I had the opportunity to work with a knowledgeable team that inspired me every day to reconsider everything I thought I knew about data. Extensive A/B testing and tweaking, diligent reporting and feedback sessions lead to successful (and beautiful) email campaigns. After initialing beginning in Constant Contact, we switched to the Bronto ESP platform that supported complex and intuitive email automations. From welcome to winback, we launched KEH Camera into an automated design strategy that gave the KEH brand a much needed lift.

My responsibilities included asset creation and content management for both digital and print marketing. My primary role as email designer was to work with various departments to create relevant and new content for email marketing, which saw a 61% lift during my time at KEH Camera. Research was a pertinent part of campaign development, and required expert input from in-house technicians as well as collaboration with marketing and operations. During my time there we were able to achieve above industry average for opens and CTRs and successful conversion rates.

Sell Your Gear Campaigns


Send Your Gear Campaign - Environmental Appeal for Earth Day


Similar to an abandoned cart email workflow, the abandoned quote series I designed to remind contacts who have submitted a quote through, but have not sent their gear. The incentive is to remind the contact that there is money waiting for them upon completion of their quote. The challenge with the quote abandonment that is not an issue with abandoned cart, is that it isn't advantageous to offer a bonus for completing the quote if the cart contains camera gear that is either unwanted, damaged or if KEH has that item in stock to an excess. Going forward with the abandoned quote to offer a bonus incentive at the end of the series, would rely on data regarding the items in their cart and evaluate their value to KEH's inventory. 

sign up email designs


promotional campaign

A typical digital promotional campaign for KEH Camera, consisting of social media ads, display ad suite and email campaign.


Birthday Campaign

KEH__07.png redesign

The redesign was focused on increasing an awareness about the brand’s established history, excellent customer service reputation, and how KEH makes the camera buying and selling process easier. We developed the ‘KEH Difference’ that itemized the benefits of shopping or selling with KEH Camera.
